Connect to your
inner compass!
- to find your beacon, determine your path and see clearer the next steps to take.
- with Thomas Dönnebrink -IKIGAI
“The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why”
Mark Twain
The Discovery ... with IKIGAI!
But how can you discover and connect to your inner compass, your purpose, or meaning of your life? One method to get to the bottom of this is called IKIGAI and comes from Japan. IKIGAI is usually translated as: "the reason of being" or "what it's worth getting up for in the morning".
The Approach
I deliberately abstain from "explaining" in advance what IKIGAI "is" and how it "works" to avoid that participants approach the exercise in the usually cognitive way. Why? Because the approach is less valuable and does not go so deep (thus missing to bring new insights and/or clarity of a different kind) when it is played out as a cognitive thought exercise. Instead, we by-pass the well-established data-highways in our brain and avoid to reproduce the head cinema movies we already know too well, and take a fresh access via a coached meditative-intuitive approach. This approach also includes methodologies tapping into intelligences, that were neglected for decades or centuries in the Western World and that now experience a renaissance: Body intelligence, emotional intelligence, intuitive intelligence and crowd intelligence. The approach is enabling to make new connections and opening up new spaces - beyond just the the cognitive - and taking the time necessary to connect you to your inner compass, align yourself accordingly, determine your path and see clearer the next steps to take.
This workshop developed and improved over the years in a variety of offline and online sessions with hundreds of individuals ranging from students to entrepreneurs to retired diplomats and others, and dozens of groups.
The Form & The Result
An IKIGAI+ workshop lasts eight hours and consists of two 4-hour blocks. At the end of the first block, each participant will have worked out and formulated his or her individual IKIGAI - and thus be released into a lunch break. While the first block serves to find and formulate the inner compass and personal destiny, we will concentrate in the second four hours on taking a closer look at this elevated treasure, polishing it and anchoring it in our own life and work as well as in our environment. For this we will use elements and formats from the areas of sharing, council, backstaging and collegial counseling. The workshop works very well both offline and online. So don't worry about 8 hours in front of a screen - you won't even notice it as the exercises are creative and joyful and take you into an inner flow.
If several people working together in a team take part, they will not only gain individual insights, but will also be able to take home helpful insights and impulses for their group and shared projects. Therefore this event is also interesting for the development of organizational and group processes and for a group working on a common project or wanting to launch one.The Moment
The IKIGAI+ workshop offers, especially in these times of upheaval, an opportunity to deal with one's own purpose and meaning. We are in a situation in which our personal issues, our environment and our systems become more apparent and change. It is a chance to take care of your own clarification and to discover your inner compass and then to align more. Good opportunities are: if you are in the transitions from one life or work phase to another; if you are living through challenging times or are encountering unevitable or desired changes; if you repeatedly feel stuck, dissatisfied or lost; if you want to find or sharpen your inner drive, essence or alignment.
As partner of the Platform for Digital Culture and
Collaborative Economy Supermarkt-Berlin,
as Co-founder of the Facilitate Change Series,
and connector of the Ouishare Network,
I'm interested in, among other things:
social innovations, group dynamics and
transformation processes on social,
organizational and personal level.
Coming from the education sector,
I have worked as a second-language teacherand as the founding Managing Director and
Head of School of a German embassy school
For the last 10+ years I work as a freelancer in
various international/intercultural contexts.
I love hiking in nature and enjoy
going on voyages of discovery. TESTIMONIALS
A Selection
Search, Digital Strategy and Growth Hacking
IKIGAI: I like the method, because it is so impressively simple and works with language and structure: It impresses with both simplicity and depth. It helps me to become an expert for myself and to focus on hidden values and ideals. It is also interesting to repeat this method in a few years and to pay attention to changes.
FACILITATION: It was very non-intrusive and did not interrupt or hinder my own flow. It provided wide crash barriers in between which I could move comfortably and where I was well cared for and accompanied.
VALUE FOR ME: So I could close in on my own core intentions and it became clear what intrinsically motivates me - and keeps me lively.
Organizational consultant & Leadership Coach
IKIGAI: The method simplifies a very complex topic and gives structure and clarity, and thus "guidance". Our greatest strengths, which we often no longer perceive because they are so self-evident for us, are made visible and valued.
FACILITATION: Beautiful meditation instructions (authentic, courageous). Quickly creates a space of trust. Good guidance through questions. No pressure. Playful elements (colours, folds, etc.).
VALUE FOR ME: My understanding of my "Purposes" has become more concrete once again. I feel confirmed to be on the "right" way. I already get paid for what I love.Consultant/Coach in Sustainable Transition
IKIGAI: Summarizes what I have been working on and developing myself for the last 10 years. Provides me with a ready to go 2-3h material. An attractive and potential teaser to my 7 days workshop.
FACILITATION: I liked the fact that I had time thinking for myself. Logical and well cut down process, smoothly supporting reflection. Time and space to close my eyes and reconnect to my intuition.
VALUE FOR ME: I gained some valuable material for my practice. Allowed me to reclarify and confirm my purpose in the time of doubts. Rediscovered some unused talents.Platforms For Social Innovation
IKIGAI: I liked the structure, following the 4 elements. I liked the initial intro to connect with breathing and body
FACILITATION: I liked your calm way to facilitate, your presence and calmness... your hability to add more questions or guidance
VALUE FOR ME: My main value was to achieve the Purpose sentence, it came so natural and it brought a lot of clarity for me about my deep purposeA selection by areas
"A beautiful way to summarize the sometimes infinite possibilities in one's head and reduce them to the essentials."
"Ikigai has the power to open the space inward and align it with the real outside world and his own positioning."
"In your moderation and guidance role you hold back in a pleasant and professional way. The reduction of unnecessary things (space, materials etc.) helps me a lot to focus. I like the somatic approach."
"I like your moderation very much. It was all under-standable and well guided." (Catherine)
"Learned a lot of surprising stuff about myself."
(Ela)"Has cast a net on my life and my past and thus captured my most important insights. This has helped me to derive useful recommendations for action."
The ikigai+ workshop requires 8 hours of undivided attention and a quiet undisturbed space.
More information via +49 176 32335744 or more contact details are here below.Full-Day Events in Engl. in 2023 (participation opportunity)
Fr. 10.03.2023 IKIGAI+
Paid tickets are transferable to other persons & other dates that appear here in the future.
IKIGAI+ Exclusive Day Team Session (8h)
including up to 12 PersonsDAILY RATE 1000€ (Online)
Offline + call-out fee & expenses1. part: Find & formulate ones individual IKIGAI
2. part: Integrate ones individual IKIGAI in ones life & work AND use for team & project building and development.IKIGAI++ 2Day Retreat (16h+)
including up to 12 Persons2-DAY RATE 1900€ (Online)
Offline + call-out fee & expensesAn extended and more profound and deeper rooted version of the one day team session integrating the findings in a road-map.
In-house packages. Prices & Formats/by arrangement
Company? Institution? Organization? Embedding in larger contexts (incl. moderation) is also possible.
Additional consulting & sparings-partner package 3x1h (240€)
Ideally: 1.Session 1-2 day(s) after IKIGAI, 2.Session 1-2 week(s) & 3.Session 1-2 months later.
Sessions can be Online or Offline.Next Event (Engl/Span)
For Offers of Sessions in German
Please check: www.iki-guy.de
Any Questions? Inquiries? References? Contacts? Testimonials? Partnerships?
Please use the following contact possibilities. Feedback is always welcome!Winterfeldtstr. 24 / 10781 Berlin / Deutschland+49 176 32335744TERMS & CONDITION / PRIVACY POLICY
Click the links "Terms & Conditions" and "Privacy Policy" below.